The First Baptist Church of Ft. Ogden is a fellowship of Bible believing Christians who carry on a 140 year tradition of worship and ministry. The ministries of First Baptist extend far beyond the doors of the church building. They reach into the surrounding communities with local mission projects and around the world through the missions of the Southern Baptist Convention. Our mission statement, "Strengthening Families for Life", reflects our goal of equipping both young and old with the truths of God's word to provide a sure foundation to weather the storms of life we face today and to equip believers with the tools needed to make a real, felt difference in a world that needs to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We accept the opportunities that God has given us to equip families through TeamKid children's programs, through active young adult and family ministries, and through the Silver Souls senior adult programs. Many ministries reach beyond the doors of the church such as our community outreach program, Helping Hands, which provides physical assistance to anyone in need. We are excited to be a part of what God is doing Southwest Florida. If you have any questions about who we are or what we believe, please fill out our contact form on our contact us page or call the church office at 863-494-2099. A member of our family would be happy to speak with you. |